
開張祝賀語 english


1. “恭喜開業大吉!生意興隆,財源廣進。”

"Congratulations on your opening day! Good luck in business and prosperity with many sources of income."

2. “祝賀你的新店開業,期待你的成功!”

"Congratulations on the opening of your new store, looking forward to your success!"

3. “新店開業,祝福你生意興隆,財源滾滾!”

"Wishing you prosperity and endless wealth in your new business opening!"

4. “祝賀你的新店鋪開業,願你財源廣進,生意興隆!”

"Congratulations on the opening of your new shop, may you have plenty of business and wealth!"

5. “新店開業,祝你事業有成,財運亨通!”

"Congratulations on your new business opening, wishing you success in your career and prosperity in your finances!"
