


  1. 「祝你在異國他鄉學業有成,一切順利!」 "Congratulations on your academic achievements and a smooth journey in the new land!"

  2. 「願你在國外的學習生活中收穫滿滿,前程似錦!」 "May you reap abundant rewards in your study life abroad and have a bright future!"

  3. 「祝你學業進步,在外一切安好!」 "Wishing you academic progress and all the best in your studies abroad!"

  4. 「願你在新的環境中茁壯成長,學業有成!」 "May you thrive in the new environment and achieve academic success!"

  5. 「祝你一切順利,在外好好照顧自己!」 "Wishing you all the best and take good care of yourself abroad!"

  6. 「願你的海外求學之旅充滿樂趣和收穫!」 "May your journey of learning abroad be filled with fun and achievements!"

  7. 「在外努力學習,為未來奠定堅實的基礎!」 "Study hard abroad and lay a solid foundation for your future!"