
聖經祝福的話 英文


1. “願耶和華賜福給你,保護你。”(以賽亞書54:16)May the Lord bless you and keep you.

2. “願耶和華使你的日子充滿快樂,使你的年歲得享安靜。”(詩篇115:16)May the Lord fill your days with joy and your years with peace.

3. “願平安、恩惠、平安,從父神和我們主耶穌基督歸與你們。”(帖撒羅尼迦前書5:23)May peace, comfort, and the favor of the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be upon you.

4. “願神賜福給你,保護你,使你心中堅強,使你的腳步穩妥。”(詩篇91:1)May God bless you, protect you, make you strong in spirit, and steadfast in your steps.

5. “願神使你凡事亨通,喜樂充滿你的心。”(詩篇37:4)May God make everything work for your good and joy fill your heart.
