



1. 恭喜你大學畢業,願你前程似錦,未來可期!

Congratulations on graduating from university! May your future be as bright as possible!

2. 願你在新的征程中勇往直前,一帆風順!

May you forge ahead with courage and success in your new journey!

3. 祝你前程似錦,步步高升!

Wishing you a bright future full of progress!

4. 願你在人生的道路上越走越寬廣,越走越堅定!

May you walk down the road of life with greater confidence and width!

5. 祝你學業有成,事業有成,家庭幸福!

Wishing you academic success, career success, and happiness in your family!


1. Congratulations on graduating from university, may your future be filled with opportunities and success!

2. May you forge ahead with courage and success in your new journey!

3. May your future be as bright as possible, filled with opportunities and progress!

4. May you walk down the road of life with greater confidence and success!

5. May you achieve academic and career success, and happiness in your family!