


  1. 「祝福你們,願愛情永恆,幸福美滿!」 "Wishing you both eternal love and happiness!"
  2. 「願你們的婚姻如詩如畫,甜蜜美滿!」 "May your marriage be like a poem and painting, filled with sweetness and fulfillment!"
  3. 「祝你們新婚愉快,百年好合!」 "Congratulations on your new wedding, may you both live a hundred years together!"
  4. 「願你們的愛情如同星辰大海,永恆璀璨!」 "May your love be as eternal as the stars and the sea!"
  5. 「祝福你們,白頭偕老,相愛永遠!」 "Wishing you both to grow old together, love each other forever!"
  6. 「願你們的婚姻如同春天的花朵,綻放出幸福的光芒!」 "May your marriage be like a spring flower, blooming with happiness!"
  7. 「祝你們新婚愉快,一生幸福!」 "Congratulations on your new wedding, may you both live a lifetime of happiness!"
