
婚禮祝詞 英文


1. “Best wishes on your wedding day!”(在婚禮這一天,最美好的祝願送給你!)

2. “Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and love, as you embark on this new journey together.”(在你開始這段新的旅程的時候,祝願你一生幸福快樂,白頭偕老。)

3. “Congratulations on your wedding day, may your love forever grow stronger, and filled with happiness.”(在你們結婚的日子上,祝願你們的愛永遠地增長,充滿幸福的快樂。)

4. “May your marriage be filled with joy and love, and may your future together be filled with happiness.”(願你們的婚姻充滿歡樂和愛,願你們未來的每一天都充滿幸福。)

5. “Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness, as you take this step together.”(在你們一起邁出這一步的時候,祝願你們的一生充滿愛和幸福。)
