
情人節英文祝福語 white valentine's day

情人節英文祝福語 white valentine's day 可以參考如下祝福語:

1. 願你的情人節充滿溫馨,願你的生活灑滿陽光。

May your Valentine's Day be filled with warmth, and may your life be brightened with sunshine.

2. 願你的情人節充滿愛意,願你的生活充滿甜蜜。

May your Valentine's Day be filled with love, and may your life be sweet with happiness.

3. 在這個特殊的日子裡,願你被愛包圍,願你永遠幸福快樂。

On this special day, may you be surrounded by love, and may you always be happy and joyful.

4. 願你的情人節充滿浪漫,願你的生活充滿歡笑。

May your Valentine's Day be filled with romance, and may your life be filled with laughter.

5. 情人節快樂,願你的愛永不褪色,願你的幸福永不凋零。

Happy Valentine's Day, may your love never fade, and may your happiness never wilt.
