


1. “我愛你,願我們的愛情永恆如初。” - "I love you, and may our love forever remain as fresh as it is today."

2. “願我們的愛情像星辰一樣璀璨,像大海一樣深沉。” - "May our love be as bright as the stars and as deep as the ocean."

3. “願你的每一天都充滿陽光,我們的愛情也是如此。” - "May every day be filled with sunshine, just like our love."

4. “你是我生命中的禮物,願我們的愛情永遠甜蜜。” - "You are the gift of my life, may our love always be sweet."

5. “願我們的愛情像一首美妙的歌曲,永遠不會結束。” - "May our love be like a beautiful song that never ends."

6. “願我們的愛情像一幅美麗的畫,永恆且絢麗。” - "May our love be like a beautiful painting that endures and shines forever."

7. “我祝願你找到真愛,幸福快樂。” - "I wish you a lifetime of true love and happiness."
