


  1. "新的一年,願你平安健康,事事順心,笑口常開!新年快樂!" "A new year, may you be safe and healthy, everything go your way, and always have a smile on your face! Happy new year!"

  2. "新年快樂!願新的一年裡,你的生活充滿陽光,事業有成,家庭幸福!" "Happy new year! May the new year be filled with sunshine for you, success in your career, and happiness in your family!"

  3. "新年到,祝福到!願你在新的一年裡事業有成,家庭幸福,心情愉快!" "New year has come, wishes come too! May you succeed in your career, happiness in your family, and joy in your heart in the new year!"

  4. "新年到,新年新氣象!願你身體健康,萬事如意,笑口常開!" "New year has come, new氣象! May you be in good health and all your wishes come true, always having a smile on your face!"
