
生女祝福 英文


1. "祝賀你有了可愛的女兒,願她永遠健康,快樂成長。" Congratulations on the birth of your lovely daughter, may she grow up healthy and happy.

2. "願這個小天使帶給你無盡的幸福,願你的女兒一生平安順遂。" May this little angel bring you endless happiness, and may your daughter live a life filled with peace and prosperity.

3. "祝福你的家庭因為小公主的加入而更加溫馨幸福。" Wishing your family a greater sense of warmth and happiness with the addition of the little princess.

4. "祝賀你有了我們的小公主,願她的人生充滿愛和歡樂。" Congratulations on the birth of our little princess, may her life be filled with love and joy.

5. "願這個小生命為你的生活帶來更多的快樂和溫暖。" May this little life bring you more joy and warmth into your home.
