


* 願新生兒的到來帶給你無窮的快樂,幸福與美好!

May the birth of your baby bring you endless happiness and joy!

* 祝福你的新生兒,願他(她)健康快樂,無災無病!

Wishing your newborn baby health and happiness, free from illness and disasters!

* 祝福你的新生兒,願他(她)的人生充滿愛和歡笑!

Wishing your baby a life filled with love and laughter!

* 恭喜你升級為父母,願你的寶寶健康成長,快樂成長!

Congratulations on becoming a parent. May your baby grow up healthy and happily!

* 祝福新生兒的未來充滿陽光,快樂成長每一天!

Wishing the future of your newborn filled with sunshine and happiness as they grow up each day!