


1. “祝賀你畢業,希望你的未來充滿無限可能和成功。”

Congratulations on your graduation, hope your future is full of infinite possibilities and success.

2. “恭喜你走向人生的新篇章,祝你前程似錦。”

Congratulations on embarking on a new chapter in life, wish you a bright future.

3. “畢業是新的開始,願你前路光明,未來可期。”

Graduation is a new beginning, may your future be filled with brightness and hope.

4. “你的努力得到了回報,畢業只是新篇章的開始,祝你一切順利。”

Your hard work has paid off, graduation is just the beginning of a new chapter, wish you all the best.

5. “感謝你為學校做出的貢獻,祝你在人生的新階段一切順利。”

Thank you for your contributions to the school, wish you all the best in your new stage of life.
