


* 願你一切順心,健康如意,生日快樂!Happy birthday and all the best!* 願你倆恩恩愛愛,意篤情深,此生愛情永恆,愛心與日俱增。Wishing you two a lifetime of love that is deep, true and ever-increasing. * 願你倆用愛去纏著對方,彼此互相體諒和關懷,共同分享今後的苦與樂。May you both embrace love, care for each other, share the trials and tribulations of the future.* 祝你一路順風,事業有成,心想事成!Wishing you a smooth journey and success in all your endeavors.* 祝福你在新的一年裡身體健康,萬事如意,合家歡樂。Wishing you good health, happiness and joy in your new year!