


* 願你如陽光一樣明媚耀人,如星光一樣璀璨輝煌。May you always be as bright and radiant as the sun, as bright and shining as the stars.

* 願你生活充滿歡笑,幸福常伴左右。May your life be filled with laughter and happiness always by your side.

* 願你擁有一個美好的一天,好事連連。Wishing you a wonderful day filled with good things.

* 願你身體健康,萬事如意。May you be in good health and everything go your way.

* 願你的未來如你所願,一切順心。May your future fulfill all your wishes and bring you peace and happiness.

* 祝你一切順心,事事如意。Wishing you all the best in your life, with everything going your way.

* 願你心懷感恩,一生幸福。May you always be grateful and happy in life.
