
祝福語大全 英語


1. 祝福身體健康,常樂常笑:May you always be happy and healthy.

2. 祝福事業有成,步步高升:Good luck in your career and may you advance in stature.

3. 祝福家庭幸福,平安快樂:Wishing you happiness and peace in your home.

4. 祝福朋友好運,事事順利:Good luck in all your endeavors, may everything go your way.

5. 祝福長者,長壽安康:Long live may you live for ages.

6. 祝福好運連連,幸福長久:May happiness be with you always and may good fortune be ever-bountiful in your life.

7. 祝福生日的快樂,青春常駐:Happy Birthday, may your youth be eternal.

8. 祝福新年快樂,萬事如意:Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true.

9. 祝福友誼長存,永遠珍惜:May your friendship last forever, cherished always.

10. 祝福一路平安,萬事勝意:Wishing you a safe journey and all the best in everything you do.
