

祝福語的英語:Wish you a wonderful time!。不同場合下,可以送上如下的祝福語:

1. 願你今後的每一天都快樂 。Happy every day to you.

2. 祝你新的一年身體健康,萬事如意 。Wishing you the best of health and the best of everything in the coming New Year!

3. 祝你生活美滿,幸福如意 。Wishing you a life filled with happiness and fulfillment.

4. 願你生命中的每一次笑都是發自內心的 。Wishing you a life filled with laughter that comes from the heart.

5. 祝你事業有成,步步高升 。Wishing you success in your career and upward mobility.

6. 願你的未來如晨光一樣燦爛 。Wishing your future as bright as the morning sunshine.
