
祝福金句 英文


* 願你事事順心,樣樣都如意。May everything go smoothly in your life and all your wishes come true.

* 祝你生日快樂,萬事如意。Wishing you a happy birthday and everything going well in your life.

* 願你生活美滿,幸福安康。May your life be filled with happiness and joy, and filled with health and happiness.

* 祝你事業有成,家庭幸福。Wishing you success in your career and happiness in your family.

* 願你的未來如繁星閃爍,燦爛輝煌。May your future be as bright as the stars.

* 祝你天天快樂,笑口常開。Wishing you happiness every day and a smile on your face.

* 祝福你一切順心如意,幸福安康。Wishing you all the best in your life, happiness and good health.