
祝福 金句 英文


* 願你所有的努力都變成果實,願你在生活的田野上收穫滿滿。 May all your efforts turn into fruits, and may you reap bounty on the field of life.

* 祝你一路平安,健康幸福。 Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and joy, with peace along the way.

* 願你的明天更美好,前程似錦。 May your tomorrow be better than today, with brighter prospects ahead.

* 祝你一生幸福美滿,快樂安康。 Wishing you happiness and fulfillment all through life, joy and well-being.

* 願你生活順風順水,萬事勝意。 May your life be filled with smooth waters and smooth winds, and all things succeed beyond your expectations.

* 祝福你事事順心,福星高照。 Wishing you all the best in life, with the good fortune to shine upon you.

* 願你每天都有微笑,祝你幸福快樂。 May you smile every day, and may you be happy and content.

* 祝你一切順心如意,笑口常開。 Wishing you all the best in life, with a smile always on your face.
