


1. 祝妳們永浴愛河,白頭偕老!

"I wish you both love and happiness forever!"

2. 喜訊,妳們終於結婚了!

"Congratulations, you've finally tied the knot!"

3. 妳們的愛情讓我們欣羨,願妳們的婚姻美滿幸福!

"Your love is something we envy, may your marriage be filled with happiness!"

4. 祝妳們新婚愉快,百年好合!

"Congratulations on your wedding, may you both live a lifetime of happiness!"

5. 願妳們的婚姻如同橡樹與蘋果花之結合,相扶相助,共度人生。

"May your marriage be like the union of an oak tree and a apple blossom, supporting and assisting each other through life."

6. 喜糖喜帖送到家,祝福新人幸福長久!

"Congratulations and best wishes for a lifetime of happiness!"
