


  1. 「作為家長,您們是我們孩子的第一任老師,您的言行舉止都會深深影響他們。」 "As parents, you are the first teachers of your children, and your words and actions will have a profound impact on them."
  2. 「請記住,孩子們都在努力模仿我們,所以請以身作則,展示出積極、尊重和愛的行為。」 "Please remember that children are trying to emulate us, so please set an example by demonstrating positive, respectful, and loving behaviors."
  3. 「作為家長,您們是孩子人生中的重要導師,請始終與他們保持開放和誠實的溝通。」 "As parents, you are important mentors in your children's lives. Please always maintain open and honest communication with them."
  4. 「請給予孩子足夠的愛和支持,他們需要您們的鼓勵和肯定。」 "Please give your children enough love and support. They need your encouragement and affirmation."
  5. 「作為家長,您們要時刻關注孩子的心理健康,給予他們必要的關懷和支持。」 "As parents, you must always be mindful of your children's mental health and provide them with the necessary care and support."
