
給畢業生祝福 英文


1. 恭喜你們,你們已經完成了學業,即將踏上新的人生旅程。祝你們前程似錦,一切順利!

Congratulations! You have completed your studies and are about to embark on a new journey in life. Wishing you all the best and brightest futures!

2. 祝賀你們畢業!願你們在未來的日子裡一切順利,事業有成,家庭幸福!

Congratulations on your graduation! Wishing you all the best in the coming days, success in your career, and happiness in your family!

3. 恭喜你們,畢業了就是新的開始,祝你們前程無限,夢想成真!

Congratulations! After graduation, every new beginning is just around the corner. Wishing you infinite possibilities and fulfillment of all your dreams!

4. 祝賀你們取得如此重要的里程碑!願你們的未來充滿機遇和挑戰,願你們的人生充滿愛和幸福!

Congratulations on this significant milestone! May your future be filled with opportunities and challenges, and your life be filled with love and happiness!
