


  1. 開頭:親愛的XXX(被祝壽者的姓名),

  2. 表達對他們的尊敬和感激之情,因為他們的存在和努力讓世界變得更加美好。

  3. 描述他們的重要性和貢獻,以及他們如何影響了你的生活。

  4. 祝賀他們長壽,並表達對他們未來的美好祝願。

  5. 結尾:再次祝賀他們,並祝願他們度過一個愉快的生日。


"Dear [Name],

On this special day, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for being blessed with your presence in this world. Your dedication and hard work have made this world a better place, and without you, my life would not be the same.

You are an inspiration to many, and your contributions to society have left a lasting impact. You have enriched my life with your kindness, compassion, and generosity.

May your years of wisdom and experience continue to guide you as you journey through this life. I wish you a long and happy life filled with joy, love, and fulfillment.

Once again, congratulations on this special occasion, and may your birthday be filled with joy and happiness.

[Your Name]"
