


1. Wishing you a wonderful start to 2023! 祝你新的一年有個美好的開始!

2. May joy and laughter be part of every day for you in 2023! 願你的2023每一天都充滿歡聲笑語!

3. A Happy New Year filled with happiness, love and the joy of new beginnings! 願你新年充滿歡笑、愛和新的開始帶來的快樂!

4. Wishing you a year filled with peace, love and joy! 祝你新的一年充滿和平、愛和快樂!

5. Wishing you a sparkling New Year filled with love and joy! 願你有一個閃耀的新年,充滿愛與歡樂!

6. Wishing you all the happiness of the world! 祝你擁有全世界所有的幸福!

7. May all your dreams come true in the coming year! 願你新的一年夢想成真!

8. Wishing you a joyful New Year filled with love and laughter! 祝你新年充滿愛和歡笑!

9. Happy New Year, filled with all the best wishes! 新年快樂,願你擁有最美好的祝福!

10. Wishing you a happy and fulfilling New Year filled with all the good things! 祝你新年快樂,充實圓滿,好事連連!