


* 願你新年笑口常開,好運相伴。Wishing you a happy new year full of laughter and good luck.

* 新年快樂,萬事如意。Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true.

* 新年到,福氣到,財神爺祝你步步高升。Happy New Year, may you advance with dignity.

* 新年到,鞭炮響,祝福你的一年像鞭炮聲一樣紅紅火火。Happy New Year, may your year be as red-hot as firecrackers.

* 願你的新年充滿幸福和溫馨。May your new year be filled with happiness and warmth.

* 新年到,祝福到,祝你新年快樂,笑口常開。Happy New Year, may your happiness never end.

* 新年到,好運到。願你新年笑逐顏開,好事連連。Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true and your smile never leave your face.

* 恭賀新禧,萬事如意。Wishing you a happy new year and all the best in the coming year.

* 祝你新年快樂,生活美滿。May you have a happy new year and a fulfilling life.
