


1. “祝賀你正式退休,享受人生新篇章!”

"Congratulations on officially retiring and enjoying new chapters of life!"

2. “願你的晚年生活充滿歡樂,身體健康!”

"May your later years be filled with joy and good health!"

3. “退休是人生的一個重要里程碑,願你享受悠閒時光!”

"Retirement is an important milestone in life, wishing you to enjoy leisure moments!"

4. “慶祝你的退休,開啟新生活篇章!”

"Celebrate your retirement and start a new chapter in your life!"

5. “願你在退休後找到更多的樂趣,充實自己的生活!”

"Wishing you find more joy and fulfillment in your life after retirement!"

6. “祝福你未來的日子充滿陽光,幸福安康!”

"Wishing you a future filled with sunshine and happiness and good health!"

7. “退休是新的開始,願你在人生的下一個階段取得更多的成就!”

"Retirement is a new beginning, wishing you greater achievements in the next phase of your life!"

8. “願你在退休後的日子裡,享受生命的美好,追尋內心的平靜與快樂!”

"Wishing you to enjoy the beauty of life and pursue inner peace and happiness in the days ahead!"