


1. “祝賀你,終於實現了退休的夢想!希望你在接下來的時光里過得充實、快樂。” Congratulations on achieving your retirement dream! Hope you will enjoy充實 and happiness in the coming days.

2. “退休後,願你擁有更多時間去追求你的興趣愛好,享受生活。” May you have more time to pursue your interests and enjoy life after retirement.

3. “一路走來,你付出了辛勤的努力,現在終於可以放鬆一下,享受退休生活了。” You have worked hard throughout your career, and now you can finally relax and enjoy your retirement.

4. “願你在退休後的日子裡,身體健康,心情愉快,享受美好的晚年生活。” Wishing you health, happiness, and a wonderful life in your retirement years.

5. “退休後,你終於可以放下重擔,放鬆身心,去做你一直想做的事情了。” May you have the freedom to unburden yourself, relax, and do the things you've always wanted to do after retirement.
