


  1. 「祝賀你成功退休,希望你在接下來的日子裡享受生活,充實自己。」 Congratulations on your retirement, hope you enjoy life and fill it with fulfillment in the coming days.

  2. 「願你的退休生活充滿快樂,身體健康,幸福滿滿。」 May your retirement be filled with joy, good health, and abundance of happiness.

  3. 「退休後的日子,願你過得豐富多彩,快樂無憂。」 Wishing you a fulfilling retirement filled with colorful moments and joy without worries.

  4. 「恭喜你開啟人生的新篇章,祝你退休後生活愉快,身體健康。」 Congratulations on the beginning of a new chapter in your life, wishing you a happy life after retirement, health and happiness always.

  5. 「願你在退休後的日子裡,享受生活,充實自己,過上美好的晚年。」 May you enjoy life and fill it with fulfillment in the coming days of your retirement, and live a wonderful later years.