


1. “祝賀你成功退休,願你在新的階段享受生活的美好。” Congratulations on your retirement, may you enjoy the beauty of life in this new stage.

2. “願你的退休生活充滿歡樂,幸福安康。” May your retirement be filled with joy and happiness, health and prosperity.

3. “祝你享受悠閒的退休生活,無憂無慮。” Wishing you a relaxing retirement free from worries.

4. “恭喜你開啟人生的新篇章,願你的退休生活充滿美好回憶。” Congratulations on the beginning of a new chapter in life, may your retirement be filled with beautiful memories.

5. “願你在寧靜中享受退休,感受生活的美好。” May you retire in peace and enjoy the beauty of life.

6. “祝你晚年幸福,身體健康,萬事如意。” Wishing you happiness and good health in your later years.
