


  1. 「祝賀你開業大吉!希望你的診所能夠為更多的人帶來健康和幸福。」 "Congratulations on your opening! I hope your clinic can bring health and happiness to more people."

  2. 「你的開業是醫療界的喜訊,祝願你的診所取得巨大的成功。」 "Your opening is a great news for the medical community, I wish your clinic great success."

  3. 「你的醫療診所為社區帶來了新的希望和機會,祝願你的事業蒸蒸日上。」 "Your medical clinic has brought new hope and opportunities to the community, I wish your business prosperity."

  4. 「感謝你為醫療事業做出的貢獻,祝願你的診所取得輝煌成就。」 "Thank you for your contribution to the medical profession, I wish your clinic great achievements."

  5. 「恭喜你開業,祝願你的醫療事業充滿愛和關懷,為患者帶來康復和喜悅。」 "Congratulations on your opening, I wish your medical practice love and care, bringing recovery and joy to patients."