
開業祝福語 英文


1. “祝你的店鋪開業大吉,生意興隆!”

"Wishing your business a grand opening and prosperous business!"

2. “恭喜你開業大吉!願你的生意蒸蒸日上!”

"Congratulations on your grand opening! May your business thrive and grow daily!"

3. “願你的店鋪成為顧客們心中的最佳選擇!”

"Wishing your business becomes the best choice in the hearts of customers!"

4. “祝你的店鋪開業順利,財源滾滾!”

"Wishing your business opening goes smoothly and wealth flows in!"

5. “祝你的店鋪開業成功,生意興隆,財源廣進!”

"Wishing your business opens successfully, flourishes in business, and wealth flows in!"

6. “願你的店鋪帶給你無限的快樂和成功!”

"Wishing your business brings you infinite joy and success!"
