


* 願你此生無波瀾,敬我餘生不擾動。 May you live a life without difficulties, and grant me the peace of mind that you will not disturb my remaining days.*

* 願你此生清澈明朗,願你命運里只有坦途沒有坎坷。 May your life be clear and bright, and may there only be smooth roads and no detours in your fate.

* 願你前程似錦,未來繁華。 Wishing you a bright future full of splendor.

* 願你早日重返故里,一切安好。 Wishing you a speedy return to your hometown, and all the best in life.

* 願你走出萬里,歸來仍是少年。 May you walk out of a thousand miles, and return as a young man.
