
夢想與愛情英文說說 if you never chase your dream

1.If you never chase your dream, you will never catch them. 若不去追逐夢想,你將永遠無法抓住夢想。
2.The poor man must have hateful place (可憐人必有可恨之處 )
4.i am the proud queen. 我是高傲的女王
5.Do not tell me false, I am lazy perfunctory.別跟我虛偽,我懶得敷衍。
6.Faking a smile is so much easier than explaining why you are sad——假裝微笑比解釋為何傷心簡單多了。
7.Beauty is to fight for rather than to wait for.只有拼出來的美麗,沒有等出來的輝煌。
8.The best of me to you 給你最好的我.
9.Afraid to touch the pain of the wound.害怕接觸傷口的疼痛.
10.This summer you have me 這個夏天你有我
11.Everyone wants to escape sometimes. 每個人都有想逃避的時候。
12.The world is not so much a fairy tale 世界上沒那么多的童話
13.I don't want to live without you.我的生命中不能沒有你。
14.Jmuped.Then I changed my mind.縱身一躍後,我改變了主意。

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