
英文帶中文翻譯QQ個性簽名 I can spoil you ···

1.I know that my future is not just a dream.我的未來不是夢。
2.On the way to the future, everyone is a lone traveler。在通往未來的路上,每個人都是孤獨的旅行者。
3.Baby I want you here with me(寶貝我多希望你能陪在我身邊)
4.I can spoil you also can change for you.我可以慣著你 也可以換了你。
5.痛苦只是一種儀式 堅持得太久 就變成了虛偽
6.You are the sun will shine, but too hot I was afraid of hurting 【你是太陽會發光,但是太燙我怕傷】
7.Meet each other, do not waste this lifetime【遇見彼此,不枉此生。】
8.Thank you every time i need you to drop the chain. 謝謝你每次在我需要你的時候掉鏈子。
9.Each of us is no longer the only 我們彼此不再是唯一
10.The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
11.The darkness is no darkness with thee. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗
12.Tough times do not last, but tough people do.痛苦的時日不會長久,但堅強的人會一直堅強。
13.I love your heart is not your face 我愛的是你的心不是你的臉
14.I hate lonely but have to enjoy it.我憎恨孤獨卻又不得不享用它。
15.you do not bird me,I do not bird you , too.你不鳥我,我也不鳥你。

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