
唯美英文個性簽名 帶我到你的未來

1.The most known person,the warmest partner. 最懂的人,最暖的伴。
2.Take me into your future you. 帶我到你的未來
3.Adversity is a good discipline. 苦難是磨練人的好機會
4.My greatest happiness, is the care you give. 我最大的幸福,就是你給的在乎。
5.To be or not to be that is a question. 生存還是毀滅
6.No zuo no die. 不做死就不會死
7.Sorry, I do not love you. 對不起,我長不出你愛的模樣。
8.sister are my all will. 閨蜜是我的一切
9.The best things in life are free. 生活中最美好的事情都是免費的
10.Thank you for every time I need you when you are off the chain. 感謝你每當我需要你的時候你都掉鏈子
11.Too much is lost in the language. 太多的話都敗在語言裡
12.you can you up,no can no bb. 你行你上啊,不行別嚷嚷。
13.You can smile, but not empathy. 可以微笑,卻無法感同身受。
14.You all say me is crazy All don't know I'm just afraid of loneliness. 你都說我瘋了不知道我只是害怕孤
15.How you tried to set them free. 你多想解開被禁錮者的系絆
16.Don't let me waiting for a long time. 別讓我等久了
17.Your name, my heart. 你的名字,我的心事。
18.But I don't regret to have loved. 但我不後悔曾經愛過
19.I have for you cry, rom now on you do not deseve my smile. 我曾為你哭過,從此你不配擁有我的微笑。
20.I am queen do not bow to any person. 我是女王不向任何人低頭
21.Love is a carefully designed lie. 愛情是一個精心設計的謊言
22.You never know, I those pretend doesn't matter. 你永遠不會明白,我那些假裝的無所謂。
23.Down enough to let go. 失望攢夠了就放手吧
24.Nobody could ever replace you. 沒有人能代替得了你.
25.I thought I was strong enough to recover for illness without medical help. 我一直以為自己強大到不藥

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