
2024最新英文簽名 不是不在乎而是太在乎

1.far from eyes,far from heart. 眼不見,心不念。
2.envision the whole of you. 期待你總是盡全力
3.i pretended to be indifferent to it. 我假裝對他漠不關心
4.thank you push me off a cliff let me see the whole sky. 感謝你將我推下懸崖讓我看清整片天空
5.if you have no friends, tell me, i will be your friend. 如果你沒有閨密,告訴我,我來當你閨密。
6.a friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難見真情
8.not worry so much about do not care abo ut it. 不是不在乎而是太在乎
9.no cross, no crown. 沒有苦,就沒有甜。
10.2024.5.20 we go to the marriage hall. 2024.5.20我們去婚姻的殿堂吧
11.you’ve got a smile that could light up this whole city. 你的笑容,點亮了整座城市。
12.love is a carefully designed lie. 愛情是一個精心設計的謊言
13.the time that you are my most fatal. 時光深知你是我最致命的愛人
14.i wish in your arms into the cat jiao. 我願在你懷裡成貓嬌而不傲
15.i apply to get into your life. 我申請,加入你的人生。
16.if there are no ups and downs in your life, it means you are dead. 如果你的生命沒有些起起伏伏

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