
who never had a scar of youth 英文個性簽名

1.a friend without faults will never be found. 沒有缺點的朋友是永遠找不到的
2.i pretended to be indifferent to it. 我假裝對他漠不關心
3.sea is the upside donw sky. 海是倒過來的天。
4.who never had a scar of youth. 誰的青春不曾有過傷痕
5.no cross, no crown. 沒有苦,就沒有甜。
6.if you have no friends, tell me, i will be your friend. 如果你沒有閨密,告訴我,我來當你閨密
7.if you have no friends, tell me, i will be your friend. 如果你沒有閨密,告訴我,我來當你閨密。
8.far from eyes,far from heart. 眼不見,心不念。
9.i wish in your arms into the cat jiao. 我願在你懷裡成貓嬌而不傲
10.no matter what to do grow good-looking will be more convenient. 不管做什麼事 長得好看都會比較方便
11.i would like to meet a warmyou wander. 我願顛沛流離再遇見溫暖的你
12.i do yes i do. 心相印
13.every noble work is at first impossible. 每一個偉大的工程最初看起來都是不可能做到的。
14.we are the tender love in the world. 我們都在被這個世界溫柔的愛著
15.nobody could ever replace you. 從來沒有人可以取代你

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