
愛情英文簽名 而你離卻我如此遙遠

1.I love you, looks like you not to love my same firmness. 我愛你,就像你不愛我一樣的堅決。
2.Please don't be in love with someone else. 請求你不要愛上別人
3.One day, things will get better. 總有一天,一切都會好起來的。
4.I'll be alright. One day. Someday. Just not today. 我會好起來的,總有一天,某一天,只是不是今天。
5.And yet you are so far. 而你離卻我如此遙遠
6.I have a stubborn will be strong. 我有多倔強就有多堅強
7.An apple a day,keep the doctor away. 天天玩蘋果,博士遠離你。
8.I love you, you love her, you really blind. 我愛你你愛她草泥馬你真瞎
9.Don't have to tomorrow. 沒有到不了的明天
10.No matter the love just a plate of sand. 沒有物質的愛情只是一盤沙
11.Marriageable age, who promised whom forever. 豆蔻年華,誰許誰天荒地老。
12.So don't destroy her innocence to her future. 不毀她清白照樣給她未來
13.Some memories, are doomed to be unable to cancel. 有些記憶,注定無法抹去。
14.Love, living things, is you let me know! 愛情,扯淡的東西,是你讓我懂得!
15.This is you give me the small universe. 這是,你給我的小宇宙。
16.Your love is a dream,there is real pain. 你的愛是個夢,卻有最真實的痛。
17.I was born to love you. 命中注定我愛你
18.Delay is the deadliest form of denial. 拖延其實就是最徹底的拒絕
19.There's always that one song that brings back old memories. 總有那么一首歌,讓你陷入深深的回憶。
20.Every boring hour in life is unique. 在生命中,再無聊的時光也是限量版。

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