


* 祝你們新婚愉快,百年好合,白頭偕老,早生貴子。 Congratulations on your wedding, may you live a hundred years together with love and happiness, grow old together, and have precious children early.

* 願你倆的愛情生活,如同無花果樹的果子漸漸成熟;又如葡萄樹開花放香,作基督馨香的見證,與諸天穹蒼一同地每日每夜述說著神的作為。 May your love life grow like the fruit of an unfruitful tree maturing with time, and like a grapevine with its fragrance blooming, as a witness to the fragrance of Christ, telling the story of God's works day and night, together with the skies and the heavens.

* 願你的愛情生活,如同無花果樹的果子漸漸成熟;願你的愛情之樹,一年比一年繁茂。 May your love life grow like the fruit of an unfruitful tree, and may your love tree become more lush year by year.

* 願你倆恩恩愛愛相敬如賓,永浴愛河,白頭偕老。 May you both love each other deeply and with respect, bathe in the river of love forever, and grow old together.
