


聖誕節到來,我們向你致以最美好的祝福 願你的每一天都充滿快樂和幸福 願你的家園平安,親朋好友健康 願你的夢想成真,願你的道路平坦

Wishing you a Merry Christmas With joy and happiness all through the year May your home be filled with peace and love And all your dreams come true

願你的心願都得到滿足,願你的願望都得以實現 聖誕的歌聲傳播著幸福和快樂 祝你在這個特殊的夜晚,心中充滿喜悅和溫暖 Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year May all your wishes come true and your dreams be fulfilled As the Christmas carols fill the air with joy and happiness, May your heart be filled with joy and warmth on this special night.