
祝福話語 英文


* 願你身體健康,萬事如意。 May you be in good health and everything go as you wish.

* 祝福你,幸福快樂。Wish you happiness and prosperity.

* 祝福你事事順心,天天開心。Wish you all the best in everything and joy every day.

* 祝福你在新的一年裡平安快樂。Wishing you peace and happiness in the new year.

* 願你擁有美好的一天,幸福每一天。May you have a wonderful day filled with happiness.

* 祝福你在新的一年裡一切順利,萬事如意。Wishing you a smooth journey and everything going your way in the new year.

* 願你的每一天都充滿陽光和快樂。May each day be filled with sunshine and joy for you.

* 祝你天天快樂,好運連連。I wish you happiness, joy and good luck every day.