


1. “祝福你們兩個,願愛情永遠如初見,白頭偕老,永浴愛河。” May your love always be like newly met, grow old together, and bathe in the love forever.

2. “願你們兩個的愛情像美酒一樣,越陳越香,直到永遠。” May your love be like fine wine, getting better with age, forever.

3. “祝你們新婚愉快,百年好合,幸福美滿。” Wishing you both a happy lifetime of love and happiness.

4. “願你們的婚姻充滿愛和歡笑,就像陽光普照的春天。” May your marriage be filled with love and laughter, just like a springtime filled with sunshine.

5. “祝福你們新婚快樂,一生相伴,歲月靜好。” May your new marriage be filled with joy, and your life together be filled with peace and tranquility.

6. “願你們的愛情如同鑽石,永不磨損,永遠閃耀。” May your love be like diamonds in the rough, never tarnished and always shining.

7. “祝你們永結同心,白頭偕老,相愛永遠。” Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness together, binding your hearts, growing old and loving each other forever.
