


* 祝福你和你所關心的人永遠健康, 快樂每一天, 期待我們下次見面! (Wishing you and those you care about the very best health and happiness every day of the year! Looking forward to our next encounter!)

* 願你快樂每一天,平安幸福永遠伴隨你! (Wishing you joy and happiness every day, and peace and prosperity always following you around! )

* 祝你新年快樂,並期待我們下次見面! (Wishing you a happy new year and looking forward to our next encounter!)

* 希望你能感受到我的真誠祝福,祝福你健康快樂每一天! (I hope you can feel my sincere wishes for your health and happiness every day!)

* 希望我們的友誼天長地久,並期待我們下次見面時更親密! (Wishing our friendship lasts forever and looking forward to our next encounter being even closer!)
